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Our Ports

The Infrastructure and
Expertise You Are Looking For

Ports and Properties

As the main source of industrial land in Cowlitz County, our three ports have the infrastructure and expertise needed for successful development.

Port of Kalama
The Port of Kalama is a major international port offering prime industrial land and exceptional move-in ready industrial buildings. The Port offers miles of river front industrial acreage and is host to several international manufacturing businesses. It integrates economic and recreational development with beautiful parks, a lively waterfront, and a team of skilled professionals ready to partner with you in achieving your goals.
Port of Longview

The Port of Longview has 8 marine terminals and waterfront industrial property spanning 835 acres on the deep-draft Columbia River, just 66 miles from the Pacific Ocean. This strategic location, a program of unique cargo services, an outstanding workforce and fully equipped marine operations make it a reliable choice for all your cargo-handling needs. By supporting growth, it creates a positive economic ripple that strengthens the local community.

Port of Woodland
The Port of Woodland finds itself uniquely primed for development. Its Rose Way Industrial Park is a $4 million investment in infrastructure and will soon have buildings available for lease by light industrial and manufacturing businesses. As a community partner, the Port of Woodland places importance in economic growth, but also strives to provide recreational opportunities and improve the quality of life of residents and visitors.